The Friends of St Mary the Virgin Church Maulden

Registered Charity No 296924

Raising Funds


The Trustees raise funds to support the Parochial Church Council in funding repairs and maintenance.  We raise funds on an ongoing basis with occasional events, a Christmas collection in the village, ad-hoc donations, interest on capital and income from our share club


If you are able to help us  you can use one of the methods below or join our Share Club: 


You can contact us by email at


Ways to support us


If you are able to help, then there are ways in which you can support the Charity:


          1. Contact the trustees by email at:


          2. Direct payments can be made to: 

                              Account name:  The Friends of St Marys Maulden

                              Account No: 10395285      

                              Sort code: 20 05 74

                                   Please put your name as the reference.


           3. By text – To donate*

                                      To donate £1, text STMARY24 to 70201

                                      To donate £3, text STMARY24 to 70331

                                      To donate £5, text STMARY24 to 70970

                                      To donate £10, text STMARY24 to 70191


          4. Scan the QR code* below with your phone.  


         5. On the internet* go to:


Friends of St Mary the Virgin Church Maulden Bedfordshire needs to raise funds for this and for other charitable purposes


*Fundraising, payments and donations will be processed and administered by the National Funding Scheme (Charity No: 1149800), operating as DONATE. Texts will be charged at your standard network rate. For Terms & Conditions, see


Share Club 


The Opportunity to Help Protect the Church Building and Win a Monthly Prize


The Trustees of The Friends of St Mary the Virgin Church, Maulden run a ‘Share Club’ to raise funds for the charity and we invite you to start a membership and so assist us in keeping the ‘Church on the Hill’ in good repair for both current and future generations.


There is an annual subscription of £18.00 per annum (or part, according to commencement date), half goes directly into Trust funds, the other half is distributed to members through the monthly draw with 3 prizes.  The prizes constitute 40, 35, and 25% of the monies available that month.  The more members we have the larger the prize ’pot’.   


The draw results are published in the Maulden Magazine and you will be contacted if you win.


If you would like to help us and have a chance of winning in a monthly draw, then please send your details to the Share Club Administrator by email at or click here:




We have held a number of events over the years - details of some are below.


Our last event was a Choral concert on Friday 27th July 2024 which was sold out.  Choral Nova are a vibrant and exciting new choir who performed a fabulous mix of songs for a summer concert in the Church. Two songs from the 2023 concert can be seen here: